Niraj Aryal

Current classes

Math 7b
Math 6b

About me

I am a condensed matter physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. My research involves understanding various properties of crystalline materials at low temperature and at atomic scale by using quantum mechanics. In order to understand complex phenomena in nature, I use a wide range of computational and mathematical tools, most of which have foundations in middle and high school level math courses.

I am originally from Gorkha, a beautiful hilly area of Nepal, from where the annexation of modern Nepal started almost 300 years ago. After getting my bachelor’s degree in physics from the capital city Kathmandu, I went to Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India for my masters. After a year of teaching high school physics and math, I came to the United States for my Ph.D. in 2013. I received a Ph.D. in Physics from Florida State University in 2019. After that, I moved to BNL as a post-doctorate fellow and have been here ever since.

I love teaching math, and I am excited to be part of SchoolNova from this year. I will be teaching Math 7. My class will be interactive, and I do hope to convey the message to the students that learning math is indeed fun and rewarding.

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