Frequently Asked Questions

About SchoolNova

About our Teachers

About our Program


Admission and Enrollment


Attendance and Homework

General information about SchoolNova:


Q: When was the program established?

A: The program was launched in September 2004.

Q: What is the age range of students at SchoolNova?

A: Students at SchoolNova range in age from 3 to 18 years old.

Q:  Does SchoolNova offer online classes?

A: Yes, for the 2024-25 school year, SchoolNova at Stony Brook offers both in-person and online courses.

Q: What are the operating hours?

A: In-person classes take place on Sundays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Online classes have a different schedule and may be offered on any day of the week. The preliminary class schedule will be provided before the first day of the priority registration.

Q: What is the class size at SchoolNova?

A: We strive to maintain a class size of 5-15 students, which varies depending on the student's age and the course's nature.

Q: When and where are the classes held?

A: In-person classes are held on Sundays at the campus of Stony Brook University. Online courses are conducted using the ZOOM application. The program runs year-round, starting in mid-September and ending in May. The length of the school year may vary slightly each year, ranging between 28 and 30 weeks.

Q: What subjects does SchoolNova offer?

A: Currently, we offer 13 subjects, including Math, Sciences (Earth and Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry), Computer Sciences, and language classes (Advanced English, Russian, French, Spanish). We also provide visual art classes for ages 6 to 16. For younger students (aged 3 to 5), we have enrichment classes available for both Russian-speaking and English-speaking children. Each subject has specific age restrictions, which can be found in the Schedule and Class descriptions. For more information, please refer to the Schedule.

Q: Are different levels of difficulty offered for any subject?

A: Yes, SchoolNova offers various levels of difficulty for subjects. We provide 11 levels of mathematics (from levels 0 to 10), five levels of Physics (from 0 to 4), ten levels of Russian language for heritage speakers, and six levels of French (beginners to advanced), among others.

Q: Does SchoolNova participate in academic competitions?

A: Yes, SchoolNova participates in several academic competitions, including Math Olympiads (AMC 8 and AMC 10/12, International Math Kangaroo, MathCon, Math League), Physics (PhysicsBowl and F=ma), Computer Science (CMIMC Programming), French Language (Le Grand Concours and AATF National Francophone Trivia contest), and ELA (Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and the Library of Congress National Reading/Writing Promotion Program). You can find more information about the academic competitions SchoolNova participates in on our website.

Q: How can I contact SchoolNova?

A: The easiest way to reach SchoolNova staff is through email:

For voicemail inquiries, please call (631) 606-0585. Please allow up to 5 days for your call to be returned.

About our Teachers:


Q: Who are the instructors at SchoolNova?

A: Our instructors have advanced degrees (Ph.D.), university-level teaching experience, and extensive research experience. While New York State does not require teacher certification for our type of program (enrichment education), we maintain high education standards and professionalism for our teachers.

Q: Where can I find information about the teachers?

A: Each teacher has a brief biography and their teaching philosophy posted on SchoolNova's website.

Q: How many courses can I take at SchoolNova?

A: Each student can enroll in as many in-person courses as they can fit within a "school day." The in-person "school day" consists of 6 single periods from 9:00 am to 3 pm on Sundays. Class durations range from 45 to 90 minutes (single to double period). Most online classes take place on weekdays. Students attending the online part of our program can choose as many classes as their schedule allows based on their age.

IMPORTANT: However, we recommend ensuring that students have enough time to handle multiple homework assignments if they decide to take many classes. In addition to class time, students should expect to spend 1-3 hours per week on homework for each class, depending on the subject and course level. Homework is essential for making good progress since our classes meet only once a week.

Q: If I attend in-person classes on Sundays, can I also take online classes?

A:  Yes, if you are a local family with scheduling constraints that prevent you from attending all desired classes on Sundays, you have the flexibility to take some classes in person and others online.

Q: How quickly do classes fill up?

A: Class filling speed varies from course to course. Math classes for elementary school students (levels 0 to 6) tend to fill up the fastest. Enrollment is on a "first-come, first-served" basis.

Q: The class I want to take is full. Do you have a waitlist?

A: Yes, we do have a waitlist. When a class reaches its capacity, you will have the option to join the waitlist. If spots become available within the first two weeks of school, people on the waitlist will be invited to join the class. Invitations are sent based on the order of registration and waitlist placement.

Q: What is the class drop policy?

A: Any course can be dropped within 10 days from the beginning of the school year, and a full refund of the course tuition, enrollment deposit, and admin fees will be provided. The registration fee is non-refundable. No fees are refunded after the specified drop date. Course tuition is collected quarterly (10+10+10(9) weeks). If a class is dropped during a quarter, the tuition for that quarter will not be refunded.

Q: Can I join the program mid-year?

A: In most cases, we do not accept new students after the first two weeks of classes. However, for certain courses, you may join at any time if there are available spots and your language proficiency level corresponds to the desired class level (either through previous classes or heritage speaking).

Q: Are parents allowed inside the classroom?

A: In general, parents are welcome to observe a class with the teacher's permission as long as they sit in the back of the classroom. However, the teacher of each class has the right to decide what is best for the class atmosphere and may ask parents to leave the classroom. While present in the classroom, parents should refrain from interrupting the class in any way, including exiting and entering the room or talking on the phone. Any interruptions may result in losing the parent's privilege to be in the classroom during the lesson.


Q: How do I register my child for SchoolNova at Stony Brook?

A: SchoolNova offers two types of registration:

  1. Priority Registration is for returning families* who have no outstanding balance, as well as their siblings and students on the waiting list from previous years.
  2. Regular Registration is for new students.

*Returning families are those who already have a SchoolNova online account. All returning students need to re-register each year to reactivate their accounts and complete the necessary forms. If the account is not reactivated, the student will not be considered a current student and will not be placed into classes. New families should open an online account, complete a registration form for each child, and sign all the required forms.

The registration form can be found here: [Registration Form Link]. Returning families should choose the Priority Registration option, while new families should select the Regular Registration option and follow the provided instructions.

Q: When does Registration open?

A: Priority Registration for returning students typically opens between July 7 and August 3.

Regular Registration for new students begins on August 8 at 10 a.m. EST. New students are enrolled in classes on a "first-come, first-served" basis. The exact dates of registration opening will be announced on the SchoolNova website's home page.

Q: How will I know if my registration form was received?

A: Once a student's registration is processed, a computer-generated confirmation email with the child's name is sent to the parents/guardians. If there are any issues with the registration or if additional information is required, parents/guardians will be notified. If you do not receive a confirmation email within two days of submitting a registration form, please email the administration at to request another confirmation. You can also check the status of your child's placement by logging into the family account you created during the registration process.

Q: What forms do I need to fill out?

A: As part of the registration process, you are required to read and acknowledge your consent to the following:

REMINDER: Applications will not be considered without payment of the registration fee.

Admission and Enrollment:

Q: What is the admission process?

A: The admission process involves re-enrollment for returning students, followed by the enrollment of new students. Returning students who re-register inform the school about available openings at each level and subject. New students are enrolled on a "first-come, first-served" basis until capacity is reached. Additional applicants are placed on a waiting list. As spaces become available during the first week of the school year, new students from the waiting list are admitted. After the drop-out/add-on period, most classes stop accepting new students, except for math, physics, chemistry, biology, and some foreign language classes. In some cases, classes may be canceled if there is insufficient enrollment.

Q: How will I find out about the placement level of my child in each subject?

A: Returning students are placed in classes based on their academic performance and teacher recommendations. New students' placement varies by subject:

  • Math classes: Placement is determined by the results of a Math Assessment Placement Test administered 1-2 weeks before the school year begins in September.
  • Language classes: Initial placement is based on information provided by parents, but teachers may adjust placement within the first three weeks of attendance.
  • Science and IT classes: Placement is based on age requirements and teacher recommendations.
  • Art classes: Placement is based on age-group recommendations.

Q: Do you have a drop-out/add-on period for classes?

A: Yes, there is a drop-out/add-on period that starts on the first day of classes and ends at 11:59 pm on Tuesday, 10 days after the first day of classes.

Q: How do I drop classes?

A: Students can drop a class by removing it from their schedule within the first 10 days of the school year without incurring a tuition charge. If a student remains in the class after the first two sessions, they will be charged for all attended classes. If a student drops the program in the middle of a quarter, the payment for that quarter will not be refunded. If a student drops the program after the current quarter is complete, they will not be charged for the remaining quarter(s). However, the enrollment deposit will not be returned. SchoolNova does not charge any fees for dropping classes.

Q: How do I add classes?

A: To inquire about adding a class, you can send your request to Most schedule updates can only be made within the first 10 days of the school year. Exceptions may be made to add Language or Art classes, subject to approval from the teachers and principals.

Q: How much does it cost to attend SchoolNova?

A: The tuition rates for the 2023-2024 academic year have been established as follows:

  • 45 minutes class: $26.5 per class
  • 60 minutes class: $30.5 per class
  • 90 minutes class: $48 per class

Q: Do you have a registration fee?

A: Yes, there is a $50 Application Fee that is required at the time of registration for new students. Returning students who reactivate their family accounts during the Priority Registration period are exempt from this fee. The registration fee secures your child's place in the program. If you withdraw your child, the fee is non-refundable.

Q: Are there any other fees?

A: Yes, there are additional fees:

  • Administration fee: A non-refundable fee per family, payable along with the first tuition payment. The fee is $35 for families with one child and $50 for families with two or more children. It covers administrative and processing costs, onsite assistance, and informational services.
  • Late fee: If tuition and fees are not paid within the designated dates, late fees ranging from $30 to $90 may be applied. The amount depends on the timing of the payment beyond the official deadline.
  • Material fee: A non-refundable fee per student for classes requiring printed homework and classwork assignments, books, educational materials, and art supplies. The fee is calculated based on previous years' spending and should be paid in full for the entire year during the first tuition collection. Some teachers may collect additional material fees for specific courses.

Q: What kind of discounts does SchoolNova offer?

A: SchoolNova offers the following tuition discounts, which can be combined:

  • Sibling discount: A 10% discount off tuition for the second child in a family. For families with three or more children, each child receives a 10% discount. All children must be legal dependents of the same parent(s) or legal guardian and actively enrolled in at least one class (clubs not included).
  • Multiple classes discount: A 10% discount is applied to all classes if a child takes three or more classes.

SchoolNova also provides tuition assistance through scholarships for eligible families based on financial need. For more information, email

Q: If my child is absent, do I still have to pay?

A: Yes, payment is still required even if a child is absent. The school's operational expenses are determined based on student enrollment for the entire semester. As such, the costs cannot be adjusted for individual absences. Refunds for missed classes after the first week of classes are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Q: Is there a payment schedule, and what are the options?

A: SchoolNova offers two payment options:

  • One-time Payment: Tuition is paid once for the entire academic year (28-30 days of classes) and is due by the end of the third week of the first quarter. This option does not require an enrollment deposit.
  • Pay-by-Quarter Plan: Tuition is paid in three installments over the year. Each quarter's tuition is due by the end of the third week of that quarter. An enrollment deposit is collected with the first payment, which will be credited toward the final payment of the year.

An enrollment deposit is required for both returning and new students and varies based on the number of children in the family: $75 for one child, $150 for two children, and $225 for three or more children.

Q: What payment methods are accepted?

A: Payments can be made online using the Zelle App or your bank's online/mobile payment system. SchoolNova also accepts personal checks, cash payments, or PayPal payments through the website. Further details can be found on the SchoolNova website.

Q: Will we receive a reimbursement if a class is canceled?

A: If a class is canceled at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances, the school will make an effort to schedule a make-up class. If that is not possible, a refund will be issued for the canceled class.

Attendance and Homework:

Q: If my child misses school, how can we obtain homework for the next class?

A: Homework assignments for missed classes are typically posted on the school's website by Wednesday morning of the following week. You can access and print the homework without requiring a password or account.

Q: What is your homework policy?

A: Since our classes take place once a week, homework plays a crucial role in our teaching process. At the beginning of each class, each student is required to complete and submit homework on time. Submitting more than 80% of the homework assignments during the year is one of the criteria for progressing to the next level.

Q: Do you expect parents to assist their children with homework?

A: Our program is highly intensive, covering a significant amount of material in a short time. We rely on parents to support their children with homework. Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the teachers and play an active role in helping their children achieve their educational goals. The school website provides teachers' email addresses, allowing parents to contact them directly for any assistance.

Q: What is your attendance policy?

A: Students are expected to attend all classes they have enrolled in. To advance to the next level, students must meet specific criteria, including attending at least 80% of the classes, completing over 80% of the homework assignments, and obtaining approval from the teacher.



(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022