
Participation in Math and Physics Competitions is open to all in the community. You do not have to be a SchoolNova student to take part. Please email us at if you are interested.


Math Olympiads:

We participate and host the following math competitions.

  • MAA American Mathematics Competitions (Mathematical Association of America - MAA):
    • AMC 8 - middle school level competition
    • AMC 10/12 - high school level competitions
    • AIME - American Invitational Mathematics Examination - AMC's invitational competition for high scoring AMC 10/12 participants.

For 5 years in a row we are on the list of U.S. School Merit Roll (top 2% - 5% in USA). We always have students who are on the U.S. Distinguished Honor Roll List (top 1%) and on the USA Honor roll students list.

  • Math Kangaroo, an International Math Competition for elementary, middle and high school students.

Our students are always among the top 1% in the USA, and many students are typically in the top 30% in the nation.

  • MOEMS - worldwide math contest for teams, for grades 4 through 8



Physics Olympiads:

We participate and host the following Physics competitions.


  • PhysicsBowl competition is for middle and high school students. SchoolNova participates since 2016. The competition is organized by American Association of Physics Teachers with the exam given between March 30 and April 1


  • F=ma - a high school level US Physics Competition coordinated by American Association of Physics Teachers and American Institute of Physics to select the team to represent the United States at the International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), with the exams (part A and B) given in the end of January. Approximately 400 students from the F=ma exams move on to the USAPhO exam. SN participates since 2019.




Language Contests:

Our students participate in the following English and French language competitions:



  • Le Grand Concours - a French Language annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French

  • AATF National Francophone Trivia contest -annual competition organized by the Association of Teachers of French
  • FLES - French Language Elementary School an annual competition sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French





(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022