TA program

Welcome to SchoolNova's Junior Teaching Assistant Program!

Olga Kosobokova       
 Program Director

SchoolNova’s Junior Teaching Assistant (JTA) program offers a unique opportunity to engage in the education process and share your passion for various subjects with younger students. Since its inception in 2014 with just one teaching assistant, the program has grown to include over 15 TAs. These assistants help teach classes, grade homework, organize math games and competitions, and ensure lessons are smooth and engaging. Additionally, TAs assist with SchoolNova events such as math placement tests, competitions, festivals, and social events.

To apply, you must be a rising 10th grader in the year you apply. If you are younger and interested in volunteering for events, please contact us at kosobokova@schoolnova.org.

For college students, the JTA program can also lead to a teaching position at SchoolNova. After serving as a TA for one or two years, undergraduate students may be offered a teaching role.

If you're interested in becoming a TA for SchoolNova, please fill out our TA application form by July 17, 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!


 Teaching Assistants 2023-2024:

Sofia A.

Alexander S.

Lea N.

Mark M.

Alexandra P


Kristina S.

Maria G.

Marc A.

Sophia S.

Marc David N.


(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022