Alexander Kirillov

Current classes

Math 8a

About me

Graduated from Moscow State University with Master degree in Math in 1989. Moved to US in 1991 and got my Ph.D. in Math from Yale in 1995. Currently Assoc. Professor in the Math department of Stony Brook University.

I have been working with mathematically gifted students for the last 25 years, first in Moscow, teaching students in one of Moscow schools for gifted children, then here, in SchoolNova. In all my teaching I am always trying to have the students learn as much as possible by doing the problems and get the results by themselves, rather than by having me present the results. Mathematics is not a list of recipes to follow: it is a country anyone can explore. Learning the math by only reading a textbook is about as interesting as exploring a new city by only reading the guidebook. The only way to learn and enjoy is by exploring on your own, asking questions and trying to answer them -- maybe with a help of an experienced guide in difficult places.

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