Naira Gorovits

About me

I am very excited to be part of the incredible team of teachers and instructors at SchoolNova. The process of learning and discovery is my passion and I love sharing it with children of all ages. I believe that children have a tremendous learning potential and that by stimulating them to be inquisitive early on we are building them up for a successful future. ________________________________________________ I taught level 4 math at SchoolNova, but, starting summer 2020, act as a coordinator of SchoolNova workshop programs. I have a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, an M.Sc. in Endocrinology and Metabolism and a B.A in Basic Medical Sciences. The emphasis of my education and career has been on human genetics, physiology and disease. _______________________________________________ My full time job as a scientific analyst in a law firm reflects my love for learning and sharing. I review and analyze basic scientific research, clinical trials and epidemiological studies on a broad range of topics for litigation teams.

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