Winter 2021 Workshops Enrollment and Placement


  • The maximum enrollment for every class has been set up. When enrollment reaches the capacity for a particular class, a waiting list will be formed.
  • Wait listed students will be enrolled in the classes if the spot becomes available after June 18th or if there is a sufficient number of students to justify opening an additional class on a specific subject.
  • The minimum enrollment for every class has been set up. If the class enrollment drops below the minimum, the class may be cancelled.
  • Parents may choose to pay a higher tuition to bring the total tuition to the minimum level, so that the class opens if the minimum enrollment has not been reached.



  • Initial placement into classes is based on the parent's choice during the registration process.
  • Teachers have the right to move students to a different level within the first  week of student's attendance.
  • The placement criteria and the list of topics which will be covered in each level can be found on the classes page.

(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022