Room: SBS_N109
Time: Sunday 10:10AM - 10:55AM
Grades: 7-8
Material fee: $0.00
Description: Offered Online and In-Person
Deepen your literary analysis and advanced grammar skills while exploring genres like short stories, poetry, mystery, and drama, with opportunities for creative writing, presentations, and major essays. Enhance your research skills and media literacy, participate in the Scholastic Arts and Writing Competition, and get ready for future writing assignments with confidence, all in a fun and interactive environment
These homeworks are copyrighted material, posted here for use by
SchoolNova students and parents. Everyone else is welcome to print a copy of these materials for their personal use;
any redistribution or commercial use is prohibited
- Assigned on 09/15: Welcome Letter: Welcome Letter: Welcome & Information for Students |
Hello everyone - and welcome to Advanced English B!
- Assigned on 09/22: Homework and Class Recap: Week 2: "The Wife's Story" p1 |
Links are live in the homework PDF. Due to some upload issues, if you need a new copy of the workbook, please reach out ASAP.
- Assigned on 09/29: Homework and Class Recap: Week 3: "Wife's Story" |
- Assigned on 10/6: Homework and Class Recap: Final "The Wife's Story" | Creative Writing Assignments: Due 10/20 - Pick one, don't do both. |
The creative writing project and completed "The Wife's Story" packet are all due 10/20.
- Assigned on 10/20:
Due to a family emergency that kept me from uploading in a timely manner, there is no hw this week. See you on Sunday, 10/27!
- Assigned on 10/27: Homework and Class Recap: Masque of the Red Death | Week 1 |
Complete questions 1-6 in the packet linked in the pdf. You may complete the packet via Google Docs and share it with Ms. Martocello or print it out, fill it out, and bring it to class
- Assigned on 11/3:
Finish your packets. If you are completing yours digitally, and not printing it, please email/share it to If you have questions or the links aren't working, please email Ms. Martocello ASAP.
- Assigned on 11/17: Homework: Essay - First draft/outline due 11/24 |
Essay - First draft/outline due 11/24 | All reference materials are in the pdf.
- Assigned on 11/24: Literary Analysis of “The Masque of the Red Death: Essay details, due date, and rubric |
Essay due 12/8. Must be typed. Please email Ms. Martocello with any and all questions/concerns.
- Assigned on 12/8: Review and Homework: Poetry Unit p1 |
Poetry Unit Part 1 and homework - Google form. Please contact Ms. Martocello if you can't access it.
- Assigned on 01/12: Class Presentation and Project Outline: Author Study: Homework and recap |
Homework: Upload your poet, poem, and source here: