Language classes

SchoolNova offers Advanced English, Russian, French, and Spanish classes.

I. Advanced English II. French III. Spanish IV. Russian

Advanced English A Offered Online and In-Person for grades 5-6.
Join our fun and engaging class to explore grammar, expand your vocabulary, & analyze literature, including reading poetry and working on "The Hero's Journey" project. Participate in diverse activities, learn to write 5-paragraph essays, and enjoy stories from mystery to comedy, all while preparing for future academic success. Classes are interactive; all students are expected to participate. Homework is mandatory and will be posted on the SchoolNova website.

Advanced English B Offered Online and In-Person for grades 7 and 8.
Deepen your literary analysis and advanced grammar skills while exploring genres like short stories, poetry, mystery, and drama, with opportunities for creative writing, presentations, and major essays. Enhance your research skills and media literacy, participate in the Scholastic Arts and Writing Competition, and get ready for future writing assignments with confidence, all in a fun and interactive environment. Classes are interactive; all students are expected to participate. Homework is mandatory and will be posted on the SchoolNova website.

Advanced English C Offered Online and In-Person for grades 9 and 10
Build on your knowledge with a focus on advanced literary analysis, research and media literacy, MLA formatting, and grammar, while exploring diverse texts and enhancing your understanding of literary techniques. Engage in creative and non-fiction writing, major essays, and a research presentation, with opportunities to participate in the Scholastic Arts and Writing Competition, all in an interactive and supportive environment. Classes are interactive; all students are expected to participate. Homework is mandatory and will be posted on the SchoolNova website.

Creative Writing – Level 1. Offered In-Person Only for 4th and 5th graders.
In this class for our youngest writers, you'll learn to craft stories with exciting characters, settings, plots, and conflicts. Each week, we'll have fun writing exercises and read inspiring short stories and poems. Let's bring your imagination to life and create unforgettable adventures together! Classes are interactive; all students are expected to participate. Homework is mandatory and will be posted on the SchoolNova website.

II. French

French classes prerequisites:

  • French 0/1 NONE
  • French 1/2 The student knows the French alphabet, colors, some body parts, numbers and some shapes. He/she has some knowledge of the weather, food, hobbies and/or animals.
  • French 3/4 The student is able to speak in the present tense, to formulate questions and answers. He/she writes simple sentences in the affirmative and negative forms.
  • French 5 At ease with the basic French grammar (présent, passé composé and futur tenses), the student can talk about all everyday life topics. He/she counts, reads and writes in French. He/she takes short dictées.
  • Advanced The student writes, reads and discusses topics of any matter. He/she is mastering the French grammar (tenses of verbs, gender of nouns, past participles, affirmative/interrogative/negative sentences). He/she writes essays in French, making use of adverbs, rich vocabulary and adjectives. The student can read and comprehend French literature.

French 0

  • The goal of this course is to have an initial exposure to the French language: a natural, enjoyable, and rewarding experience while developing an appreciation of the language and culture. Students will participate in songs, games, and other activities. This program is an introduction and practice of basic vocabulary words centered on general topics.

French 1
The students will continue the enjoyable activities that permit them to practice polite expressions, talk about themselves and socialize, express their feelings and capabilities, and describe people and things. We will play games and songs in French.

French 2

The students will study the colors, shapes, and numbers and learn the seasons, introduce themselves, and ask for directions or help. They will discover the gender of nouns and the structure of a simple sentence. We will use colorful and pictorial documents, learn short poems and/or songs, and play bingo.

French 3

The students will review the basic rules of reading and writing in French. They will improve their basic knowledge of grammar (basic verbs in the present tense). They will enrich their vocabulary: naming different food, months, and seasons of the year. The students will learn to ask and answer basic questions about themselves, school, and family. The program includes many songs in French, video, and audio educational material.

French 4

The students will acquire a strong knowledge of reading rules and become proficient in conjugating French verbs in Present and Past Tenses. They will be able to ask and answer questions in the present and the past tenses about their daily life, school, and family. Throughout the year, they will prepare for a more complicated and detailed study of the French Language.

French 5

Building on the fundamentals and conversational skills they developed in previous levels, the students will learn to share their ideas and opinions in French, express their feelings and talk about everyday life, current events and much more. They will study more in-depth the different past tenses and their use. The different accents and genders of nouns will become familiar and show no difficulty by the end of the year. We will read a couple of French novels, the ones that French kids read for pleasure.

Advanced French

The students, will have an approach of the language similar to the Éducation Nationale. They will further study the geography of France, together with other French-speaking countries. They will make use of the Internet to support discussions in class on topics appearing in the news. They will read a French newspaper online weekly and report what is happening in France and/or Europe that seems important to them. The students will study some great French names in art, music, and politics.

French for adults

Beginner course This course emphasizes the use of French for communication. The course includes a review of basic concepts and continues adding onto the foundation built in French. Upon completing this course, students will be able to converse on a variety of standard Spanish topics, including reading and writing brief passages, learning the basic grammar rules in Spanish, and appreciating the culture in French-speaking countries. Intermediate course This course emphasizes the use of French for communication. Students will continue the previous year’s curriculum, adding onto the foundation built in French, practicing more verb tenses and grammar, and further developing the skills to communicate more fluently in French.


Spanish classes prerequisites:

  • Spanish 0 NONE
  • Spanish 0/1 NONE
  • Spanish 2/3 The student knows the Spanish alphabet, color, animals, body parts, numbers and shapes. He/she is able to talk about the weather, food, clothing, adjectives, family, house and some basic verbs.
  • Spanish 4 The student is able to speak in the present tense, to formulate questions and answers. He/she writes simple sentences in the affirmative and negative forms.
  • Spanish 5 At ease with the basic Spanish grammar (present, preterit, imperfect and future tenses), the student can talk about all everyday life topics. He/she counts, reads and writes in Spanish.
  • Spanish 6 The student writes, reads and discusses topics of any matter. He/she has mastered the basic Spanish grammar (tenses of verbs, gender of nouns, past participles, affirmative/interrogative/negative sentences). He/she writes essays in Spanish, making use of adverbs, rich vocabulary and adjectives. The student can read and comprehend basic Spanish literature.

Spanish 0

  • The goal of this course is to make initial exposure to Spanish language a natural, enjoyable and rewarding experience while developing an appreciation of the language and culture. Students will participate in games, songs and Total Physical Response (TPR) activities, as well as the introduction and practice of basic vocabulary words centered on a various topic.

    Spanish 1

    The students will study the colors, shapes, numbers and will learn the seasons, how to introduce themselves and ask for directions or help. They will discover the gender of nouns and the structure of a simple sentence. We will use colorful and pictorial documents, learn some short poems and/or songs, and play games.

    Spanish 2

    The students will review the basic rules of reading and writing in Spanish. They will improve their basic knowledge of grammar (fundamental verbs in the present tense). They will enlarge their vocabulary: naming colors, different food, months and seasons of the year. The students will learn to ask and answer basic questions about themselves, school and family. The program includes many songs in Spanish, video and audio educational material.

    Spanish 3

    The students will continue the enjoyable activities permitting to practice polite expressions, to talk about themselves and socialize, to express their feelings and capabilities, to describe people and things. We will play games and songs in Spanish.

    Spanish 4

    The students will have a stable knowledge of reading rules, and a basic knowledge of conjugation of Spanish verbs in Present and Past Tenses. They will be able to ask and answer questions in the present and the past tenses about their daily life, their school and family. Throughout the year, they will prepare for more complicated and detailed study of the Spanish Language.

    Spanish 5

    Building on the fundamentals and conversational skills they developed in previous levels, the students will learn to share their ideas and opinions in Spanish, express their feelings and talk about everyday life, current events and much more. They will study more in depth the different past tenses and their use.

    Spanish for adults

    Beginners This course emphasizes the use of Spanish for communication. The course includes a review of basic concepts and continues adding onto the foundation built in Spanish. Upon completion this course, students will be able to converse on a variety of common topics in Spanish, including read and writing brief passages, learn the basic grammar rules in Spanish and gain an appreciation of the Spanish speaking countries culture Intermediate This course emphasizes the use of Spanish for communication. Students will continue the previous year’s curriculum adding onto the foundation built in Spanish, practicing more verb tenses and grammar, as well as further developing the skills to communicate more fluently in Spanish.

IV. Russian for heritage students (speaking Russian at home with at least one parent Russian classes prerequisites: Требования к уровню 0 1. уметь читать по слогам; 2. уметь различать слова-предметы и слова-действия; 3. уметь назвать предмет на картинке; 4. уметь ответить на вопросы по картинке. Требования к уровню 1 1. закончить уровень 0; 2. уметь читать и понимать короткие предложения; 3. уметь писать печатными буквами; 4. различать слова-предметы, слова-действия, слова-признаки; 5. уметь описать картинку; 6. придумать историю по картинке. Требования к уровню 2 Требования к уровню 3 1. закончить уровень 2; 2. уметь уверенно читать и писать; 3. уметь делить слова на слоги, выделять ударение; 4. знать главные части речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол; 5. уметь прочитать небольшой текст (100-150 слов) и ответить на вопросы. Требования к уровню 4 1. закончить уровень 3; 2. уметь уверенно читать и писать по-русски; 3. делить слова на слоги и выделять ударение; 4. главные части речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение; 5. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова; 6. выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое). Требования к уровню 5 1. закончить уровень 4; 2. уметь читать и писать по-русски; 1. делить слова на слоги и выделять ударение; 2. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание), 3. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное; 4. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо; 5. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова 6. выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое); 7. уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы; 8. уметь прочитать текст, придумать название, составить план. Требования к уровню 6 1. закончить уровень 5; 2. уметь бегло читать и писать по-русски; 3. делить слова на слоги и иметь чёткое понятие об ударении; 4. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное, предлог, союз; 5. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо; 6. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание); 7. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова; 8. уметь разбирать предложения по составу: выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое); 9. знать и уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы, омофоны; Требования к уровню 7 1. закончить уровень 6; 2. уметь бегло читать и писать по-русски; 3. уметь писать быстро под диктовку; 4. делить слова на слоги и иметь чёткое понятие об ударении; 5. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное; 6. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо, вид; 7. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание), и следовательно 8. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова 9. и уметь проверять безударные гласные в корне 10. иметь представление о парных звонких и глухих согласных в конце слов 11. уметь разбирать предложения по составу: выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое), и второстепенные члены (определение, обстоятельсво, дополнение); 12. знать и уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы, омофоны. Требования к уровню 8 1. закончить уровень 7; 2. уметь бегло читать и писать по-русски; 3. уметь писать быстро под диктовку; 4. делить слова на слоги и иметь чёткое понятие об ударении; 5. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное; 6. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо, вид; 7. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание), 8. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова 9. уметь проверять безударные гласные в корне 10. иметь представление о парных звонких и глухих согласных в конце слов 11. уметь разбирать предложения по составу: выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое), и второстепенные члены (определение, обстоятельсво, дополнение); 12. знать и уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы, омофоны; 13. иметь понятие о стилях и их применениях. Требования к уровню 9 1. закончить уровень 8; 2. уметь бегло читать и писать по-русски; 3. уметь писать быстро под диктовку; 4. делить слова на слоги и иметь чёткое понятие об ударении; 5. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное; 6. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо, вид; 7. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание), 8. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова; 9. уметь проверять безударные гласные в корне; 10. иметь представление о парных звонких и глухих согласных в конце слов; 11. уметь разбирать предложения по составу: выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое), и второстепенные члены (определение, обстоятельсво, дополнение); 12. знать и уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы, омофоны; 13. иметь понятие о стилях и их применениях; 14. уметь вести беседу по тексту; 15. уметь анализировать художественные произведения Требования к уровню 10 1. закончить уровень 9; 2. уметь бегло читать и писать по-русски; 3. уметь писать быстро под диктовку; 4. делить слова на слоги и иметь чёткое понятие об ударении; 5. понимать различие между частями речи: существительное, прилагательное, глагол, местоимение, числительное; 6. знать грамматические категории: род, число, падеж, время, лицо, вид; 7. уметь разбирать слова по составу (корень, приставка, суффикс, окончание), 8. уметь подбирать однокоренные слова 9. уметь проверять безударные гласные в корне 10. иметь представление о парных звонких и глухих согласных в конце слов 11. уметь разбирать предложения по составу: выделять грамматическую основу (подлежащее и сказуемое), и второстепенные члены (определение, обстоятельсво, дополнение); 12. знать и уметь подбирать к словам синонимы, антонимы, омонимы, омофоны; 13. иметь понятие о стилях и их применениях; 14. уметь вести беседу по тексту; 15. уметь анализировать художественные произведения.

  • Program of Russian classes
  • Entry requirements by level
  • List of books to read

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