Natalya Zayfman

Current classes

Math 6e (online)
Math 7e (online)

About me

I am very excited to announce my return to SchoolNova as a math teacher.

As a child, I did not have a passion for a particular subject. Although I had a passion for many of them, in retrospect, I realized that I loved learning. One day you would see me reading Feynman's Lectures of Physics and Plutarch's Lives on another day. Over time, I fell in love with Mathematics. It is a language that is used to describe the world around us. Mathematics is beautiful and defines beauty.

I started teaching at SchoolNova when my kids started their first classes there many years ago. This experience made me realize my true passion: teaching. There is nothing that makes me happier than when a mathematical concept clicks inside a student's head or when I get to witness them slowly fall in love with mathematics, as did I. That is why, after my experience at SchoolNova, I decided to turn my BBA in Finance and Mathematics from Baruch College into a teaching license and completed a program at Queens College to become a certified teacher. For the past ten years, I have been sharing my passion for math with my students at an NYC middle school. Eventually, I got my MS in Mathematics from Queens College as well. I love the opportunity to be able to impact a student's life for the better.

I am looking forward to teaching at SchoolNova and introducing children to the fascinating world through mathematics.

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