Tatiana Tchoubar

About me

As a child, Tatiana lived with her parents in French Algeria.

She holds a Master’s degree in education from the Sorbonne University, Paris, France, in languages, literature arts, art and contemporary society. She has previously graduated with honors in languages & translation from Moscow Linguistic University. Tatiana has passed New York State Teacher Certification Examinations. At present, she is a Lecturer at Stony Brook University.

French citizen, recently arrived from Paris, Tatiana worked as a teacher at College de Notre Dame in Versailles, at Lycee Charlemagne in Paris, at the e-learning department of Sorbonne Nouvelle University, and at Brookhaven National Laboratory in NY state (see p. 3 of this BNL publication).

She practices the full immersion method of teaching French language and contemporary France. Adult lessons are tailored for beginner, intermediate and advanced French speakers.

With French for Kids, children learn naturally, the way they acquired their first language, just playing games, singing popular songs, acting, crafting, watching interactive cartoons, as well as through a wealth of other stimulating live and on-line activities.

Tatiana writes and publishes fiction. One of her books, Matouchka de Tatiana Yva, is on sell in the Editeurs Reunis Library, 11 rue de la Montagne St Geneviève, 75006 PARIS.

In 2006 Tatiana was awarded the Sorbonne literary contest prize for a novel in French, Toi, published in the revue of l’UFR d’Etudes Slaves de la Sorbonne, Les Cahiers slaves, Hors série 9 under the pseudonym Remy Yva.

She is editing an online learning site of French as a foreign language: http://desaules.wordpress.com/actifrench/

Tatiana teaches French in hope to share with people La France that she'll keep in her heart forever...

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