Financial Contract - 2024-25 School Year

This contract is between SchoolNova at Stony Brook (SchoolNova) and the signed Parent/Guardian (Parents).

SchoolNova is a non-profit organization that relies on timely tuition and fee payments to maintain its budget.

To ensure this, the following tuition payment policy is in place:

  1. Parents agree to pay tuition and school fees according to the school's financial policies.
  2. It is the school's policy that accounts must be paid on time unless a written arrangement is made.
  3. If payment is not received by the official deadline, a $30 late fee will be charged after a seven-day grace period. After three weeks, an additional $60 late fee will be added ($90 total). Payments made beyond four weeks will incur an extra $90 fee, bringing the total late fees to $180.
  4. If an account is more than 35 days past due, SchoolNova may suspend the student(s). Any collection costs will be added to the unpaid balance.

Financial Circumstances: If a parent/guardian faces financial difficulties, the following options are available:

  1. Extension of Time: Contact the school principal before the due date to request an extension.
  2. Payment Plans: Arrange for regular installments to clear the balance by the end of the school year, or negotiate with the principal.
  3. Fee Concession: Confidential options for financial assistance are available.

All financial matters are treated confidentially.

I acknowledge that fulfilling my financial obligations is necessary for my children to attend SchoolNova at Stony Brook. I agree to the specified charges and payment methods in this contract. In the event of late payments, I am aware that a late fee will be applied as outlined in the Financial Contract. Additionally, I understand that my payment plan may be modified during the school year if I fail to adhere to the Financial Contract.

  • I will pay a $25.00 fee for any bounced checks.
  • I have read and understood the financial policies.

(C) SchoolNova 2005-2022